Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15, 2008

This is for Susan and Dawn...
I am having a wonderful day! Madi had a 10AM piano lesson with Susan Hatch. My mom went with us because she was asked demonstrate how to make "love knots".

Madi loves playing the piano! She has been taking lessons for a couple years now. But when she finds a song she really is hard for her to move on to the next one!

A neighbor came over for the lesson too. We spent some time making dough, rolling it out, cutting, talking, frying, laughing, sugaring, then eatting!

Mom and I have a gluton allergy and should absolutely stay away from anything made of wheat. Mom was able to restrain....I on the other hand.....had to have it! I had about a pound of "love knots" on my own! THEY ARE SO GOOD!

Susan fed us lovely salads for lunch! It was really fun!

When I got home, I called a lady in N. Olmsted about a siamese cat she was wanting to find another home for. Then I called mom to see if she was interested in it, and she was. So dad, mom, the kids, and I drove over to see it. Mom loved it. It is gorgeous! It has taken up residence behind mom and dads couch.

We went to Arby's for dinner....and now Nathan is taking a shower.....perhaps I have said too much!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13, 2008

This is the beginning of a unfamiliar and a big scary adventure. I have kept a diary/journal since 6th grade and now I have entered the modern world of blogging! CHECK ME OUT MOM! I really don't know what to say now...ummmm....
Well, guess that is it for today! HA!